In an Emergency...

WFA Diagram

First, ensure scene safety

Is the scene safe for:

  • YOU?

Take steps to ensure scene safety before moving on.

Second, manage the incident

Manage any urgent elements of the situation. Use your handbook and the medical booklet in your medkit. You may find the following references helpful:

Wilderness First Aid

Missing Persons Protocol

Third, make a plan

Once you have taken steps to manage the most urgent elements of the situation, take a deep breath. No, really - you want a clear head. Okay, now start making a longer-term plan. Potentially useful:

Evacuation Guidelines

Mandatory Evacuations

Media Procedures

Fourth, communicate with basecamp

Use the contact information on the Emergency Call Guide in your leader packet. If you don’t have access to that sheet, some numbers can be found in your handbook, but note that these numbers may not be the most up-to-date.

Notification Protocols

Mandatory Notifications

Emergency Contact Information

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Harvard First-Year Outdoor Program